Friday, January 29, 2010

library kit

call me old fashioned, but I'm not up on giving kids giant plastic toys with batteries & scantily clad dolls as gifts. I feel like kids are growing up way too fast these days & it's so important to try to preserve their youth & innocence.

so instead of buying my seven-year-old niece a game for her ds or an app for her itouch, I bought her this adorable personal library kit. she opened it up on christmas morning & started adding sleeves to the books that I had bought her &  it made me really wish I had bought one for myself. such a fun gift for kids... & nerdy adults like myself.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness, i think i need this. kiwi is always stealing my books! he took that whole "what's mine is yours" thing pretty seriously.
